Export Full In Appointments
This describes how to make, modify or delete an appointment for export full in containers.
On the Appointment Search page:
- Under Move Type, select Export Full In (via Booking #).
- Under Number To Search, input the Container #.
- Press Search button.
If Container # is found, Appointment Summary page will list:
- Booking #, Vessel (or if split booking, two or more vessels to select from), Containers (total amount), Full In (returned).
- If appointment is allowed, the Go to Appointment Setup button will be enabled. If appointment is not allowed, an error message will appear (and the button will be disabled).
A list of container appointment slots will appear with ‘Ready For Appointment’ or Date/Time (if appointment exists). Pressing + or - opens or closes each container appointment’s details displaying:
- Container # (if identified by user), Trucker Code.
- Below that is the Appointment Action drop-down allowing user to Make, Modify or Delete Appointment.
- If appointment is allowed, the Go to Appointment Setup button will be enabled. If enabled, Press the button. If not allowed, an error message will appear and button will remain disabled.
The Appointment Setup page will list:
- Full In | Booking #.
- Below that user can input the Container # [Optional], select Date, Time Slot and Trucker Code.
- If no issue occurs, press the Submit button. If an issue occurs, an error message. Please try back later to see if issue was resolved.
- If submission is successful, an Appointment Status message will appear advising user the appointment status and confirmation #. If the appointment is not successful, an Appointment Error message will appear informing user reason.
- If Booking # is not found, a ‘No Records found’ flash message will appear. If Booking # is invalid or past, an ‘Invalid Booking’ or ‘Past Booking’ flash message will appear.
- To do another search, press + by Appointment Search