Export Inquiry
This free feature is used to check Export Booking or Release statuses.
- From the Home page, press the Export Inquiry button. If a terminal is not selected, users will be prompted to select one.
When the Export Search page appears:
- Under Search Type, select Booking Number or Release Number or VGM status.
- Under Number To Search, input a Booking or Release # or Container number.
- Press Search button.
If Booking # is found, the Export Details page will display:
- Booking #, Vessel/Voyage, SSCO (shipping line), Empty Start, Full Start and Gate Cutoff (date and/or times).
- The Booking’s Equipment size/type, Total (amount of containers), Received (in), Delivered (out) and if Genset is needed (Yes or No).
- A View Equipment Details button will list container details. Pressing + or - by Container Number opens or closes each container’s details: Container Size, Seal Number, Cargo Weight, Location, Vessel/Voyage and Date (last updated).
If Release # is found, the Export Details page will display:
- The Release #.
- The Release’s Equipment size/type (either containers and/or chassis associated to the release #), Total (amount of equipment), Delivered (out) and if Genset is needed (Yes or No).
- A View Equipment Details button will list equipment details. Pressing + or - by Container or Chassis Number opens or closes each container’s or chassis’ details: Equipment Size, Location and Date.
If the container # is found, the Export Details will display:
- The Container Number (Highlights in red if the Container Number with an invalid check digit indicating the same at the bottom).
- Container’s VGM status(if the container VGM is received, displays Yes if the container VGM is not received, displays No).
- If Booking or Release # is not found or Container # not found, a ‘No Records found’ flash message will appear.
- To do another search, press + by Export Search.